National Pizza Day on February 9th celebrates one of America’s favorite foods… PIZZA!
Americans love pizza so much that on any given day enough pizza is eaten to cover 100 acres of land. That is crazy!
Do you have a favorite topping with so many different styles of pizza out there from thin crust to thick crust, or single topping to pile it on high with many toppings to choose from?
Here is a Pizza Topping Word Search – Give it a try!
Who likes to color? Just about all of us do! This is why here in the Classroom we encourage coloring for pleasure.
Try this Pizza Coloring Page for fun!
And, here is a Pizza Match worksheet.
Watch this fun video with Marlo and Latoya trying different pizzas.
Pizza FAQ
Q. Are all pizzas round?
A. No. Pizzas are also made into rectangles and squares.
Q. Do thing crusts have leavening agents in them?
A. Most thin crust pizza recipes call for some sort of leaving agent such as yeast or baking soda. There are recipes, however, that call for no leavening agent.
Q. Which is better, thin or thick crust?
A. It depends on a variety of factors and personal choice. Different toppings fair better on one type of crust versus another. Some sauces require a thicker, more durable crust.
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